Individual Counseling

Are you experiencing stress at work, at home, or in your personal relationships with friends and family? 

Life is full of all kinds of stress and challenges. Healing Hope Counseling provides a safe place for you to seek and experience support, find new ways to think and show up differently in your relationships, and find tool to improve life balance. 

At Healing Hope, we want to help you find the support and tools you need to walk in restored relationships, healed from the inside out.  You can find counseling focused on: 

  • Codependency

  • Stress at work or at home

  • OCD and anxiety

  • Depression

Healing Hope Counseling will help you identify what isn't working for you and move toward the things that can change. I will walk with you as you steer through these uncomfortable and often unfamiliar places in your life. 

Take the next step and explore ways to have the life you want and deserve.